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      老肥貓 寫於 2006-09-11 編輯  
a distrubed mind

cannot sleep, too much noise.  my sensitive nerves once again overpower my self control.  i gave in.  being surrounded by people with wrong priorities, demanding people with wrong priorities.  they constantly bench pressed my endurance, and too often i snap in half rather than staying in one piece.  where is the place on earth that i can stay away from all these madness?  Father, before my time is come, please grant me a earthly sanctuary.

2006-09-11 14:52:38
2006-09-12 05:16:30
呵呵呵...沒關係有不懂的可以問姊姊喔~~ ^0^
【版主】老肥貓 於 2006-09-12 18:19:07
2006-09-12 09:34:41
Hello !Old fat cat,actually it's too suffering from cannot sleep .but would u mind to tell that u are
a foreigner? a stranger?an alien? cos i think that is so impolite to wrote a english letter in a taiwan website! hope u can write chinese next time!^___^
2006-09-12 12:39:05
Hey!Old fat cat,u're are welcome to join us.Actually it's too suffering from cannot sleep when u feel so tired. But would u mind to tell us that u are a foreigner? a stranger or an ailen?Cos I think it is impolite to write an english letter in a Taiwan website! Hope u can write Chinese next time!^__^
I am actually a Taiwanese, born and raised locally. Sometimes I write my journal in English just to keep my writing skill from rusting.我是台灣人啦~~~ ^__^
【版主】老肥貓 於 2006-09-12 18:14:48
2006-09-12 20:39:51
icic! I think if u want more people know abt u,
it's better to write ur journal in chinese ar!
Whatever ,we really welcome u to join our party!
^^ Hope can hear more from u soon!
2006-09-12 22:14:50
welcome to join this friendly family.There are many funny , knowledgeable ,and kindly people in this place.But if you would like to make many friends,i suggest that you have to speak Chinese.
Anyway,welcome to join us(^_____^)
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