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      鬼鼠 寫於 2006-11-28 編輯  
Those were the Days...

2 months ago, I was gonna do whatever it takes to have U back in my life.

but then one day, a big Lie was exposed. the worst was, I was told by someone. which means U lied to me, about the whole thing. the reason why U'd left me.

Me, Collapsed. felt cheated, betrayed. by the One i loved the most

"He did not cheat on me. He just doesnt love me anymore. He found new love." "U dun want me to know that U're being so cruel to me." "or maybe U thought not tellin me the truth would be less painful to me."

maybe it's right. I should let U go. U chose what makes U happy. I decided to step out from ur life as U've done so in my life.

though, it's so hard. try v hard to let U go, but can't get over from everything. all the Memories of ours, ur face... keeps spinning in my head

Breaks my heart

Can't ease that Pain

In my heart... too deep, hurts so much

only thing I can do: Let Time Heals all Wounds

though Wounds Healed, Scars Left

Right now, I need only a Hug

To know that i'm Loved

Not Alone

2006-11-29 10:19:32
Ones that believe you or pass by love of the agony of this section
Confident of oneself
When it is own that you understand the love
The next section of loves of yours come near you brighter
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