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      #§*〤※solong※〤*§# 寫於 2009-04-21 編輯  

糧食短缺 Grow vegetables to feed humans instead of raising animals


Are we short of water? 1 serving of BEEF Over 1,200 gallons of water used 1 serving of CHICKEN 330 gallonsof water used 1 Complete VEGAN meal with TOFU, RICE, and VEGETABLES98 gallons of water used Are we short of food? GRAIN CONSUMPTION SOY CONSUMPTION How many people in the world are hungry? 862 million people in 2008 Grain currently fed to livestock is enough to feed 2 billion people. UK Video Conference June 13, 2008 And I said already 80% of it, will be cut almost immediately, and we can see the results in a few weeks. Because if you don't keep breeding more animals, and then there is less methane. And if we don't eat meat, then there is no transportation necessary for it and much less fuel needed. And all these people can be trained to do something else. And there will be less hunger because we will use the agriculture products, cereals, to feed humans instead of feeding more bred animals in the future. So we don't have hunger anymore and there will be no more war because of hunger. So the effect is immense. Keep multiplying it, and then you know what I mean.

留言表情: 驚 臉紅紅 昏 狂暴 哭哭 崩潰 讚美主 水汪汪 倒地 失魂 擦汗 水草舞 阿彌陀猴 不要啊 翻桌 咦 打瞌睡 笑裡藏刀 嘲笑 害羞扭扭 萬年奸臣 畫圈圈 bingo 掰掰 苦惱的煙狂 三八萌 幸福御守 好夢 淒涼 印堂黑黑 跪拜禮 頭暈目眩 愛的轟炸 搞自閉 打小人
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