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      慢半拍dancer♥ 寫於 2006-05-01 編輯  

Love the ratio homicide grave crime more difficult conceal;The dark night of the love contain the sunlight of the noon.                                       愛比殺人重罪更難隱藏﹔愛情的黑夜有中午的陽光

The strength of loving is a peace, never attending to the reasonableness, customary rules and honor versus dishonor, it can make everything fear, shocked with pain at the body is subjected to turn to make sweet.                    

The love is a growth at unique the flower of the precipice edge, wanting to pick it has to be courageous.

The love is just a kind of crazy.                                  愛情不過是一種瘋

The inside of the love if admixed to calculate with it irrelevantly, that isn't a true love .      愛情裡面要是攙雜了和它本身無關的算計,那就不是真的愛情


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