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      老肥貓 寫於 2005-03-15 編輯  
Painting the Town

Was out today, visiting LB but forgot to bring W's pedant which was the reason why I went to see her.  It's always quite relaxing to be at LB's studio in her home.  As usual, we kept burning the sandlewood powder so the room smelled nice.  I told her about this dream I had the night before last.  In that dream, colorful as usual, she and I were standing on the cliff looking out to the ocean where some people were playing.  All of a sudden, some sort of accident happened but nobody besides us saw it.  LB asked me what to do, I said: " Just fly over there."  Then I spreaded my hugh pair of wings, flying down the cliff and across the surface of the ocean.  I could feel the speed, the wing, the rush!!

I hope this means the winter of my current stage of mind is turning to spring.


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